What you consume on a daily basis is defining you. What you eat becomes a physical part of you. Once the blood is nourished it feeds your cells, tissues and organs. Every single one of the trillions of cells that you are made up of, was created from what you have consumed over your lifetime. The foundation for good health and well-being begins with food.
The human body is in a continual state of creation and destruction. Our cells have a cycle of life, a birth and a death. What you feed them while they are part of you is what determines your overall physical health and emotional wellbeing. Very simply put, but the real facts.
So if you are living a life consuming highly processed junk foods and you have health issues, you are right on course. Your body is speaking to you through the aches, pains and ailments. Health issues are the bodies way of letting you know that you are out of natural balance. You need wholesome nutrition to turn your health around.
If you want to have a healthy, happy, pain-free, long life - eat whole natural foods.